Giving from a heart of gratitude and love is a part of our worship to God. Your money will help us minister God’s hope and healing to our community and beyond. You can give your gift safely and securely online. Thank you.

Pay by check

Drop a check in the offering box in the foyer,  send a check into the mail at Faith Church (611 Robert Fulton Highway, Quarryville, PA 17566) or setup "Bill Pay" through your bank to make one time or recurring payments

will, trusts, & estates

Name Faith Church as a beneficiary in your will, living trust or estate. Your financial planner will send necessary documents into our office for the Business Manager. 

Employer gift matching

Contact your employers HR department to see if your company offers gift matching incentive programs. 

ira distribution

Faith Church accepts direct IRA distributions (both mutual fund and stock gifts in any amount). Have your financial planner contact the Business Manger.