Sunday School - Spring Semester

See below for the adult sunday school offerings for the spring!

It's a wonderful life?

A study on the book of ecclesiastes taught By Pastor Devin Kahan

What comes to mind when you envision a wonderful life? This Old Testament book addresses this relevant question by providing a much-needed correction to our notion of where joy comes from and a conclusion that will redirect our path!

Biblical foundations

Taught by Pastor Michael Brown, 

Andy Young, and Rob McCullough

This is the new name for what we formerly called the “Leadership Class”. While it is required for those considering serving in a leadership or teaching role, you’re encouraged to come and become better grounded in sound doctrine in God’s Word.


Taught by Bob Brown and John McCullough

This class takes us through the New Testament narratives in Acts with stops along the way to receive the Apostles' letters in their historical settings. Open to all ages.